Homeowner’s can save substantially on home repair costs with some basic periodic maintenance. This seasonal list identifies steps you can take by season and includes monthly, quarterly, biannual, and annual maintenance items in an easy to use checklist format. Winter December ☐ Inspect, and possibly change out HVAC filters ☐ Clean kitchen sink disposal ☐ Clean range hood filters ☐ Inspect your fire extinguisher(s) ☐ _______________________________________ ☐ _______________________________________ ☐ _______________________________________ January ☐ Inspect, and possibly change out HVAC filters ☐ Clean kitchen sink disposal ☐ Clean range hood filters ☐ Inspect your fire extinguisher(s) ☐ _______________________________________ ☐ _______________________________________ ☐ _______________________________________ February ☐ Inspect, and possibly change out HVAC filters ☐ Clean kitchen sink disposal ☐ Clean range hood filters ☐…
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